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Dracblade – A Propeller based Z80 CP/M board

A couple of years ago, a fellow named Dr. Acula designed a neat little Parallax Propeller based board that implemented a full CP/M system providing a Z80 with dual serial, 512k Ram, VGA, PS/2 Keyboard, and SD storage….
Read More »Blowing up a Yaesu FT-891

Some posts should never need to be written. Here is one of them. I spent the weekend installing my FT-891 into the car – Radio under the passengers front seat, control head onto the dash, and new FC-40…
Read More »Should You Use Off-Brand Batteries in Two-Way Radios?

I recently read an article on the web that attempted to discuss whether or not you should use ‘off brand’ batteries in handheld devices. It resoundingly said ‘no’. The single argument that it provided was that the radio…
Read More »Evolution of a simple PCB for Eurorack power control

As it would turn out, Amateur radio is a hobby pursued by many people who are interested in Electronics. I have always had a fascination for all things electrical in nature, and have spent my whole life making gadgets.
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