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A new display and CTCSS for the Yaesu FT-290R

I purchased a Yaesu FT-290R all mode 2M transceiver from an estate sale recently – it was the last item out the door, because it had a faulty LCD display. The radio worked beautifully, although it was marred…
Read More »Reading Paper Tapes in 2022

I have a couple of old paper tapes – I also have an ASR33 teletype, which is more than capable of reading a tape, but making the ASR33 operate correctly is a labor of love which I will…
Read More »Yaesu FC30 Tuner Protocol

Or how I (almost) interfaced an Yaesu FT-891 radio to an Icom tuner. I recently decided to replace my Icom IC708G in the car, as it had a weird ALC fault on transmit. It is afterall, a radio…
Read More »Building Hardware to Communicate with a LORA Satellite

A couple of months ago, a Spanish PicoSatellite (5cm x 5cm x 5cm) was launched called FossaSat-1 ( https://fossa.systems/ ). It was designed using open source principles and provides a LORA downlink on 70cm UHF using a standard…
Read More »A Universal RFID key

RFID projects have been pretty prominent recently, ranging from projects here in Instructables, to our local Silicon Chip magazine in Australia publishing a RFID door lock project in their November issue. Even I recently purchased a RFID door…
Read More »Arduino ATMega326 Using the Oscillator pin

I just figured out how to use the oscillator pin of the AtMega328 chip to drive an additional component. I am working on a project that requires a 16Mhz clock to drive other electronics, and figured that the…
Read More »A Stylophone

I decided to make a Stylophone as a gift for my dad. I also documented the build process. It is purely Analog (No micro included) – which is a rarity for me. Here is the link to the…
Read More »An Ethernet connected watering system controller

I extended the relay controller design that I put up recently to do the task of being a watering system. Getting the code to fit into an AtMega328 was a bit tricky, I kept having stack overflow problems…
Read More »An Ethernet Relay Controller

As a recent project, I designed a cool relay controller that uses a state machine to control a set of relay outputs based on a user defined program. The initial task is to operate a set of Christmas…
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